
Sensei Sunilkumar Kottekkottu

Karate is more than martial arts to me. It is a way of life which I as a human being would be incomplete. I have been practicing karate for over twenty two years without a days break. I have been teaching in Sohar a place in Oman since 2000. I am teaching in two places, one is the Al NamoPrivate School, Falaj and the other one is the Hawra Sports Hall Sohar (JSKA Oman H.Q) wherein I work as a chief instructor. I have been trained under a number of skillful masters. These honorable master, who paved the way to my success are listed below: • Sensei Balachandran kutikattil • Sensei Johnson- WSKF Kerala Chief • Sensei Satrajith Chowdhary-WSKF India Chief. • Sensei S. Premkumar-Yokokan karate international shotokan chief instructor • Sensei Prbhkaran namath KWF Indian chief • Sensei Hitoshi kasuyu- WSKF world chief • Sensei Gopalakrishnan-JSKA Indian chief • Sensei Abe Kiego-JSKA world chief • Sensei Jasobanda -Wushu Ambassador, India When we take a glance at today’s society, we could see many people suffering from chronic diseases like diabetes, cholesterol, obesity etc. It is scientifically proven that regular exercise to our body can control these diseases to certain extent. The people, in today’s society are complaining that they have no time for exercise. Aren’t they finding time for their likes like liquor, cigarette, entertainment parties, chatting etc? If one can save the time for these things that destroy ones own body then why cant find the time to save a precious gift like ones own body? It is ones own duty, to maintain a god given gift like our body with endless energy. Martial arts can help one to make his body a reserve of endless energy. This energy, which I can give through this art can result in other good qualities like maintain positive thinking attitude, boosting memory capability, maintenance of self control and last but never the least to self defend ones own body.